Funding Opportunities


VRHA lists grant opportunities on the VRHA website for informational purposes only. We have no input on how those grants are allocated and you will need to follow up with the individual funding entity.


3RNET Recruitment and Retention Assistance
Helps health professionals find jobs in rural and underserved areas and assists employers in recruiting and retaining health professionals in rural and underserved areas.

Affordable Housing Loans for Low-Income Rural Communities
Short-term loans at below market interest rates to local nonprofits, for-profits, and government entities that are working to develop affordable housing for low-income, rural communities.

Aging And Disability Vaccination Collaborative 
The Aging and Disability Vaccination Collaborative will distribute funding to enable organizations across the aging and disability networks to perform an array of vaccination promotion activities. Organizations selected for funding will host community vaccine clinics, provide in-home vaccinations, provide transportation to vaccination sites, and will conduct outreach and education to older adults and people with disabilities among other activities.

American Board of Telehealth Self-Paced Certificate Programs
Self-paced online certificate programs for healthcare students and professionals in the areas of CORE (Clinical, Operational, Regulatory, and Ethics) concepts of telehealth; telebehavioral health, and teleprimary care.

American Electric Power Foundation Grants
Supports nonprofits working in the areas of hunger, housing, health and safety, human services, education, and the environment in American Electric Power’s eleven state service area.

American Psychological Foundation: Direct Action Visionary Grants
Seeks to fund innovative interventions, based on psychological knowledge, that directly address pressing needs of communities in the United States. Projects should serve marginalized communities, end prejudice and stigma, prevent violence, and explore mind-body health connections. APF is particularly interested in supporting communities and populations dealing with prejudice, bias, intolerance, and all forms of bigotry including racism, antisemitism, homophobia, and misogyny. Project applicants may be individuals or organizations and are not required to be psychologists or mental health professionals; however, an expert in the relevant evidence-based foundation used for the project must be centrally involved.

Anti-Stigma Initiative Pilot Sites
Opportunity for sites to test and deploy new anti-stigma interventions and resources for communities. Applications from all over the country, including rural and tribal communities are encouraged.

Appalachian Community Fund Technical Assistance Grants 
Funding for technical assistance needs for community-based organizations that address underlying causes of economic and social distress in the Appalachian region.

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) J-1 Visa Waiver Program
Offers a J-1 Visa waiver to foreign physicians who commit to serving for 3 years in rural Appalachian areas, allowing them to remain in the United States.

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Grant Program
Grants to eligible organizations to cover all or part of the costs associated with purchasing an automated external defibrillator (AED).

Bank of America Charitable Foundation
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation focuses resources on creating neighborhood excellence in the communities throughout the United States where the bank does business. While the priorities of specific company communities drive how funding is used, giving at the local level typically falls into the following four generic categories: Community Development/Neighborhood Preservation, Education and Youth Development, Health and Human Services, and Arts and Culture. Requests may be submitted throughout the year.

Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood
The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood supports nonprofit organizations that offer programs that will significantly enhance the development, health, safety, education, or quality of life of children from infancy through five years of age. The Foundation’s areas of interest include the following: The Early Childhood Welfare category supports programs that research best child rearing practices and identify models that can provide caring environments to ensure all children thrive. The Early Childhood Education and Play category focuses on improving the quality of both early childhood teaching and learning through the development of innovative curricula and research-based pedagogical standards, as well as the design of imaginative play materials and learning environments. The Parenting Education category promotes programs that teach parents about developmental psychology, cultural child rearing differences, and health, and also programs which provide support to parents. Letters of inquiry are accepted throughout the year.

CareQuest Executive Director’s Fund
Supports convenings, events, and activities that promote oral health with a focus on reducing oral health disparities and advancing health equity.

Certified Rural Health Clinic Professional Course
A course designed to teach directors, clinic administrators, and other Rural Health Clinic leaders how to operate a successful Rural Health Clinic. Upon course completion and the attainment of an 80% or higher exam score, participants will earn certification.

Certified Professional by the American Heart Association (CPAHA) – Telehealth
A certification program for healthcare professionals interested in demonstrating a commitment to telehealth.

Changemaker Birth Center Accreditation Grants 
Grants to assist birth center applicants with fees that are due to the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers, including accreditation fees and annual fees. Priority is given to programs that serve rural and low-income areas.

CHS Foundation Grants 
Awards funding for projects and programs related to rural youth leadership, rural cooperative education, community leadership development, and farm and agriculture safety.

The Cigna Foundation: World of Difference Grants
The Cigna Foundation, through its World of Difference Grants, provides support to nonprofit organizations throughout the country, with preference given to communities where Cigna has a significant presence. World of Difference Grants focus on the following health areas: children’s wellness, women’s health, senior care, and health equity. The Foundation is interested in supporting projects that focus on a specific health challenge or related group of challenges, offer opportunities for volunteer involvement by the Cigna team, and have the potential to expand to additional geographic areas. Online requests may be submitted at any time.

Coca-Cola Foundation
Support for water stewardship, healthy active lifestyles, community recycling, and education.

Commonwealth Fund Health Grants
Supports independent research on health and social issues and makes grants to improve health care practice and policy.

Community Facility Grants through USDA Rural Development
Grants are available to assist in the development of essential community facilities in rural areas and towns of up to 20,000 in population.

Community Health Center Capital Fund LoanPLUS Program
A Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) program that provides loan capital and technical assistance designed to meet the needs of smaller health centers and/or those with limited financial resources. Health centers that have not been able to access financing through conventional lenders are encouraged to apply.

Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant
The Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program provides $10,000 in funding for resident-driven groups in small cities and towns to start the Community Heart & Soul model. Grant funding requires a $10,000 cash match from the participating municipality or a partnering organization.

The Council of State Governments Justice Center
Provides a resource called Financing The Future to help organizations identify, navigate and apply for federal funding.

Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program
Grants and technical assistance to help individuals and communities recover from natural and human-caused disasters through community outreach and access to mental health services.

Customized COVID-19 Contact Tracing Curriculum
The development of no-cost COVID-19 contact tracing curricula customized for local public health departments.

DATA 2000 Waiver Training Payment Program
One-time direct payment of $3,000 to Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics for each eligible provider who possesses a DATA 2000 waiver to prescribe buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder.

Dental Trade Alliance (DTA) Foundation Grant 
Funding for innovative projects designed to increase access to oral healthcare by broadening literacy of oral health’s impact on overall health.

Direct Assistance: Assigning CDC Staff to State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Agencies
Funding for CDC staff to be assigned to provide direct, individualized technical assistance, guidance, and coordination for awardees of grants and cooperative agreements made under specific CDC programs.

Direct Relief Partnership Network
A partnership program for healthcare facilities that extends medication access to patients who are unable to afford prescriptions, reduces procurement costs of medications and supplies, and leverages resources to foster healthier communities. Partner facilities order online from Direct Relief’s pharmaceutical inventory.

Dispensary of Hope Dispensing Site Network
A national collaborative lead by a nonprofit medication distributor that sources donated medications to assist nonprofit health systems, hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies in serving their patient population, especially individuals experiencing poverty and those that are uninsured.

Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation
Dominion Energy contributes tens of millions of dollars annually to community causes throughout its footprint and beyond. The Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation awards grants in four focus areas:

Human needs grants that support increased food security, housing and shelter, and access to basic medical and health care; Environmental stewardship grants to protect natural resources and help non-profit organizations make efficient use of energy; Education grants to develop the capacity of the future workforce, especially in STEM and energy fields; and Community vitality grants to foster an appreciation of diversity, revitalize neighborhoods and ensure a vibrant community life through support of cultural endeavors.

Economic Impact Initiative Grants
Funding to assist in the development of essential community facilities in rural communities that have extreme unemployment and severe economic depression.

Farmers’ Market and Local Food Promotion Program
Funding to support domestic consumption of and access to locally and regionally produced agricultural products, and to develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local markets, by providing training, and assistance to domestic farmers.

Farmworker Health Training Programs
The National Center for Farmworker Health is currently offering a limited number of complimentary or discounted trainings for your health center/organization. Take advantage of this offer and provide your staff with practical tools and strategies to implement in the workplace.

Federal Surplus Property Available for Public Use
Property that is no longer needed by the federal government that has been made available for public use.

FEMA Public Assistance Program: COVID-19 Response
Provides reimbursement to eligible state, territorial, tribal, and local government entities, and certain nonprofit organizations for emergency protective measures in response to COVID-19 National Emergency Declarations.

Fluor Foundation
Funding to support organizations that provide food, shelter and prevention programs and emergency services.

Fund for Shared Insight
Funding to nonprofits that want to build systems that engage and use the intelligence of the communities being served to build the effectiveness of their organizations.

International Research Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Addiction Research
Funding for innovative ideas in all areas of science addressing drug addiction, including but not limited to, prevention, basic science, epidemiology, treatment, and health services.

Google’s Rural Healthcare Cybersecurity Initiative
Offers eligible rural healthcare organizations access to technology, consulting and support services, and security training resources at a discount or no cost for the purpose of strengthening resilience to cyberattacks.

Grants.gov allows organizations to electronically find and apply for more than $400 billion in Federal grants. Grants.gov is the single access point for over 1000 grant programs offered by all Federal grant-making agencies.

Grants and Technical Assistance for Coal Communities Applying for Federal Funding
Funding and technical assistance to help coal communities submit competitive federal applications for community-led transition projects. Priority will be given to projects that are led by and serve low-income and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities most impacted by the transition.

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
The mission of The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation is to help low-income and vulnerable individuals and families by providing grants to nonprofit organizations that offer direct services. In addition to its existing grant areas, Basic Human Needs and Health, Disabilities, Education, General Community Support, Older Adults, and Workforce Development, on March 1st the Weinberg Foundation began accepting grants in a new program area serving veterans and their families. The grants portfolio for veterans primarily supports nonprofit organizations serving veterans and their families in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, DC. Grants are provided to organizations committed to ensuring military members and their families effectively reintegrate into their communities. Priority is given to programs focused on workforce development, physical and mental health, and the elimination of barriers to a variety of services.

HCA Foundation Grants
Funding to organizations that are engaged in community outreach and educational programs that uniquely serve children and adults in the community.

Healthcare Connect Fund
The Universal Service Administrative Company provides funding to healthcare providers for telecommunications and Internet access services, as well as network equipment, at a flat discounted rate of 65 percent. Participants can apply as a member of the consortium or a stand-alone entity.

Health Center Facility Loan Guarantee Program
Facilitates access to capital funding and reduces financing costs for health centers by guaranteeing up to 80% of financing needed to support capital infrastructure projects.

Healthy Environments
Funding to improve the health and well being of vulnerable children from low-income families by making the places they live, learn, and play safe and supportive of overall good health.

Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children (HSHC) Access to Care Grants
HSHC Grants are one-year matching grants of up to $20,000, supporting community-based initiatives in the U.S. that provide dental care and ultimately serve as a Dental Home to underserved/limited access children. Special consideration will be given to programs supporting the age-one dental visit and providing care to special needs patients.

Hearst Foundation Grants
The Hearst Foundations provides funding to support large-scale health initiatives.

HRSA COVID-19 Claims Reimbursement for Uninsured Patients 
Electronic reimbursement, generally at Medicare rates, for healthcare providers for testing uninsured individuals for COVID-19 and treating uninsured individuals with a COVID-19 diagnosis on or after February 4, 2020.

HRSA COVID-19 Testing Supply Program
No-cost COVID-19 testing supplies for all HRSA-supported health centers, look-alikes, and Medicare-certified Rural Health Clinics.

HRSA Look-Alike Initial Designation Technical Assistance
Resources to assist organizations in the application for Look-Alike Initial Designation under the Health Center Program.

HRSA Rural Health Grants
Directory of grants available from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

HUD Section 242: Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program
Loan and mortgage insurance program to help acute care hospital facilities with remodeling, expansion, modernization, equipment, refinancing, and acquisition. Small, rural Critical Access Hospitals are eligible to apply.

The Humana Foundation
The Humana Foundation supports nonprofit organizations and social institutions that focus on supportive relationships and their potential to generate healthy behaviors and prevent chronic disease. The Foundation primarily funds organizations in communities where Humana has a significant presence. (NOTE: the entire Commonwealth of Virginia qualifies.) Characteristics of strong funding proposals include engaging multiple generations in ways to improve their health, using evidence-based practices to promote health, supporting the prevention of chronic disease, and encouraging healthy behaviors through supportive relationships. The minimum grant request is $10,000.

Invest Appalachia Fund
Loans and technical assistance to support sectors and industries that are driving economic diversification, local ownership, and community wealth building in Central Appalachia.

Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Grants
Supports domestic health professional education.

Kresge Foundation Community Health Partnership Grants
Grants to improve community health by encouraging cross-sector collaboration and the integration of community health strategies into health care, especially the primary-care safety net.

Land O’Lakes Foundation
The program works to improve quality of life by supporting worthy projects and charitable endeavors initiated by our Mid-Atlantic dairy-member leaders.

Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
Supports nonprofits helping people & places move out of poverty & achieve greater social & economic justice.

MAT Waiver Eligibility Training
A free online and computer-based training series for physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants that satisfies some of the requirements to obtain a waiver for prescribing buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder.

Medicare Incentive Payments in Health Professional Shortage Areas and Physician Scarcity Areas
Medicare bonus payments to physicians in geographic HPSAs and PSAs.

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Training and Mentoring
Training to provide medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for clinicians in high-need communities. Clinicians who complete the training may be priority applicants for some NHSC loan repayment programs, and qualified disciplines can become eligible for the Loan Repayment Program Continuation Contract MOUD Award Enhancement.

National Center for Farmworker Health Learning Collaboratives
Virtual learning collaboratives that allow health centers to study and apply quality improvement methodology to a focused topic, such as increasing access to care, emergency preparedness, and social determinants of health.

National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network Project
National network of clinical care teams that can provide expert medical advice and COVID surge support using network enabled mobile devices. Critical care experts from around the country can assist with e-consults, remote home monitoring, relief coverage, tiered staffing, and specialty services.

National Environmental Public Health Internship Program Application for Host Sites
Opportunities for local, state, and tribal health departments to host environmental health student interns.

National School Lunch After School Snack Program
Funding for schools and residential child care institutions to provide after school snacks to low-income children who participate in the National School Lunch program.

NIH All of Us Engagement, Communications, and Enrollment Partnerships
The National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program has issued a new funding opportunity soliciting proposals to support outreach, community engagement, and participant enrollment and retention efforts. Awardees will join the national All of Us consortium and help the program connect with diverse communities, including those that have been historically underrepresented in biomedical research. Submissions accepted on an ongoing basis through May 23, 2025.

NRHA Rural Hospital Leadership and Certification Programs
CFO Certification Program – for current Chief Financial Officers of rural hospitals.
CNO Certification Program – for current Chief Nursing Officers of rural hospitals.

The Oak Hill Fund: Women’s Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
The Oak Hill Fund was established to promote the well-being of mankind through effective and inspiring grantmaking. The Fund’s Women’s Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice program area invests in nonprofit organizations in the southeastern United States (including Virginia) that support the reproductive health and rights of women. The Fund supports efforts to provide, promote, or defend access to safe, affordable reproductive healthcare and services, and to educate policymakers and the public on the importance of reproductive health, rights, and justice to women and families. Letters of inquiry may be submitted throughout the year.

Pfizer, Inc.: Special Events Grants
Grants to support special events held by nonprofit organizations. Special events may include fundraising dinners, walks, biking and golf events, galas, award ceremonies, and similar events that do not provide Pfizer with a tangible benefit.

PNC Foundation Economic Development Grant
Funding to organizations that support economic development in communities. Priority is given to community development initiatives that strategically promote the growth of targeted low-and moderate-income communities and/or provide services to these communities.

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People
The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) participates in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people who are seeking to change the structures that perpetuate poverty, oppression, and injustice. SDOP currently supports groups in the United States who are oppressed by poverty and social systems, want to take charge of their own lives, are organizing to do something about their own conditions, and have decided that what they are going to do will produce long-term changes in their lives or communities. Supported projects must be presented, owned, and controlled by the groups of people who will directly benefit from them and must address long-term corrections of the conditions that keep people bound by poverty and oppression. Applications may be submitted throughout the year.

Primary Care Development Corporation Financing and Technical Assistance
Primary Care Development Corporation is a Community Development Financial Institution that provides loan products, training, resources, and technical assistance/business development services for healthcare providers in under-resourced communities with the goal of transforming and expanding primary care. Rural providers are encouraged to apply.

Project Talk Initiative Host Site Applications
Partnerships with community-based organization host sites to evaluate the impact of several approaches to promote advance care planning in underserved populations including those from ethnic and racial minority backgrounds, rural communities and low-income areas. Host sites will be provided tools and trained in facilitating community conversations.

Psych-Mental Health NP Scholarship
The Virginia Health Care Foundation (VHCF) has established a special scholarship program (VHCF Scholars) to underwrite the costs of tuition and fees for health safety net Nurse Practitioners (NP) who return to school to obtain a post master’s certificate as Psych-Mental Health NPs (PMHNPs).

Public Health Student Intern Program
A one-semester internship experience within one of HRSA’s bureaus or offices for students enrolled in a public health program.

Quality Payment Program Support for Small, Underserved, and Rural Practices
Customized technical assistance for clinicians in small practices, including those in rural locations, Health Professional Shortage Areas, and Medically Underserved Areas to help them participate and succeed in the Quality Payment Program.

Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation: Hillman Innovations in Care Program
The Hillman Innovations in Care Program, an initiative of the Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation, supports new models of healthcare delivery that are rooted in nursing’s holistic approach to care.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
List of current calls for proposals.

The Rockefeller Foundation
The mission of the Rockefeller Foundation is to promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations that fit within one of the following four core issue areas: advancing health, including creating incentives for better nutrition and wellness; revaluing ecosystems, including accounting for nature’s role in people’s economic and social well-being; securing livelihoods, including expanding opportunity and creating inclusive markets in the changing global economy; and transforming cities, including embracing urbanization to catalyze equity. Funded organizations must also address one or more of the Foundation’s current initiatives. Online inquiries are accepted throughout the year.

Rural Access to Anesthesia Care Scholarship
The American Society of Anesthesiologists sponsors a scholarship for medical student and resident members introducing future physicians to rural anesthesia. Medical student and resident members can apply for stipend scholarships (with Committee oversight approval, stipends range in amount up to the value of $500) to pay for travel and lodging expenses for a rural clerkship.

Rural and Tribal Passenger Transportation Technical Assistance
Technical assistance for tribes and rural communities of less than 50,000 people to plan system start-up, transit service improvements, facility development, marketing, transportation coordination, and staff training. Currently, CTAA is particularly interested in requests to address issues during recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rural Business Development Grants
Supports targeted technical assistance, training, and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas that have fewer than 50 employees and less than $1,000,000 in gross revenues.

Rural Community Facility Financing Available through USDA Rural Development
The Community Facilities Direct and Guaranteed Loans Program provides support to develop essential community facilities for public use in rural areas. Loan funds may be used to construct, enlarge, or improve community facilities.

Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project
The Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project is designed to help strengthen project participants’ foundation in key elements of value-based care (VBC) including but not limited to efficiency, quality, patient experience, and safety of care. RHPTP’s goal is to guide small rural hospitals and certified rural health clinics not currently participating in VBC to prepare for and position their organizations to be effective participants in a health system focused on value.

SBA 7a Loans
Provides loans to small businesses (including small healthcare practices) for working capital; equipment purchase; real estate purchase; building construction or renovation; business acquisition; and debt refinancing.

SEARCH – Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households
Funding for financially distressed rural communities of less than 2,500 people to assist with feasibility studies, design assistance, and technical assistance on water and waste disposal projects.

Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Funding to provide support for nonprofit organizations, including for medical purposes.

Southeast Rural Community Assistance Loan Fund Program
Community development loans to local governments, public service authorities, user associations, nonprofit organizations, and other community entities for the development and/or construction of large-scale community projects.

State Rural Transit Assistance Programs (RTAP)
Federally funded state programs that provide training and technical assistance to improve mobility for Americans living in communities with populations less than 50,000. State RTAP funds are often used to provide training for rural and tribal transit agency personnel and to fund scholarships to attend transit-related conferences and training.

Strategic Economic and Community Development Program 
A program that allows USDA to give priority for projects that support the implementation of regional economic development plans through several USDA Rural Development funding programs.

Summer Food Service Program

Funding to provide free, nutritious meals and snacks to help children in low-income areas get the nutrition they need during the summer months.

Supporting Farmers’ Mental Health: Understanding Farm Culture and Farm Family Dynamics
A self-paced, online training course designed to help behavioral health providers better understand and address the mental health needs and challenges of farmers and their family members.

Surdna Foundation
Funding to foster sustainable communities in the United States – communities guided by principles of social justice and distinguished by healthy environments, strong local economies and thriving cultures.

Tech Assistance – University of Rochester Medicine Recovery Center of Excellence
Technical assistance for rural communities to help with initiatives that address substance use disorder.

Technical Assistance for Small, Rural, Vulnerable Hospitals
Targeted technical assistance for rural hospitals to improve quality of care, maintain access to care, and address the challenges that are unique to small hospitals and the towns they serve.

Telecommunications Infrastructure Loans and Loan Guarantees
Loans and loan guarantees for the construction, maintenance, improvement, and expansion of telephone service and broadband in rural areas.

Toyota Foundation
Funding to organizations that focus on the three main areas of education, the environment, and vehicle safety.

Union Bank Foundation Environment Grants
Funding to support organizations that focus on protecting the environment, particularly dealing with preservation, cleanup, and education.

USDA Community Facilities Loan and Grant Program
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis. Funding to construct, enlarge, or improve essential community facilities for health care, public safety, and public services in rural areas.

VA Office of Rural Health Funding Programs
Funding, technical assistance, and mentoring for rural VA facilities to implement promising practices and/or enterprise-wide initiatives.

Virginia AHEC Scholars Program
A multidisciplinary certificate program for health professions students in Virginia that offers opportunities for hands-on training, experience in rural and underserved communities, and networking with other students and professionals.

Virginia Community Foundation
Funding for projects that will have a positive impact on the community’s quality of life.

Virginia EMS Scholarship
Scholarships to support qualified applicants seeking to earn an initial or advanced EMS credential within Virginia.

Virginia First Responder Naloxone Program
Naloxone, supplies, and training for law enforcement organizations, courts, jails, correctional facilities, probation and parole, and non-EMS fire service agencies located in Virginia.

Virginia Health Care Foundation Safety Net Grants
VHCF health safety net grants work to increase access to primary care for uninsured Virginians and those who live in areas with limited access to care. VHCF issues health safety net grants in two funding cycles each year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall. The other three grants are issued only in response to periodic requests for proposal.

Virtual Living Room – Using Technology to Address the Critical Healthcare Needs of Veterans in Rural Areas
A grant program that combines rural technology, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs resources, and local support to provide solutions to improve healthcare access for veterans in rural areas.

Virginia Mass Casualty Incident Management Training Funds Program
Funding for Mass Casualty Incident Management training programs in Virginia.

Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
The mission of The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation is to build strong and vibrant communities, improve the quality of life, and make a positive difference in locations served by the bank throughout the United States. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations in bank communities as well as selected national organizations. The Foundation’s areas of interest include education, community development, health and human services, arts and culture, the environment, and civic affairs. Requests may be submitted throughout the year. Visit the bank’s website to take the required eligibility quiz and submit an online application.

Walgreens Corporate Contribution Program
The Walgreens Corporate Contribution Program primarily supports nonprofit organizations in local Walgreens communities throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The majority of annual grants support programs that address the health needs of community residents.

Walmart Foundation State Giving Program
The Walmart Foundation State Giving Program awards grants to nonprofit organizations at the state and regional level throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico for programs that give individuals access to a better life. There are four funding cycles per year; nonprofit organizations in each state have two opportunities per year to apply. Applications will be accepted in all four funding cycles for programs within the scope of one of the following Focused Giving areas: Career Opportunity or Hunger Relief and Nutrition. Organizations seeking funding for programs outside of the Focused Giving categories, and whose programs address the unmet needs of underserved low-income populations, can apply in cycles three and four only. Grants range from $25,000 to $250,000, with an average size of $40,000.

Washington Gas Charitable Giving Program
Provides support to nonprofit organizations for programs in the Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia region. Areas of interest include healthy and safe communities, with a focus on health organizations that strive to improve the health and well-being of individuals within the community. Support is provided for specific programs rather than for general funding. Requests for in-kind support, sponsorships, membership dues, and volunteerism opportunities are also considered.

We Are Appalachia: Mpox Response Initiative
Mini-grants to combat the ongoing monkeypox epidemic in rural Appalachia through outreach to LGBTQIA+ communities.

Wells Fargo Corporate Giving Programs
Funding for nonprofit organizations in the areas of community development, education, human services, arts and culture, civic responsibility, and environmental consciousness.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Funding to organizations that seek to build economic security for vulnerable children and their families through sustained income and asset accumulation.

Zenni Scholarship to Advance Children’s Vision
Scholarships for the Prevent Blindness Children’s Vision Screening Certification Course and access to vouchers for the full cost of Zenni eyeglasses for eligible children served by scholarship recipients. Applicants from rural areas are encouraged.

Zero Suicide Academy
A 2-day training for senior leaders of healthcare and behavioral healthcare organizations that seek to dramatically reduce suicides among patients in their care.