Donna Dittman Hale

Donna Dittman Hale

Has been working in Telehealth since 2012 and implemented Telehealth Projects in Primary Care and Specialty Practices, Nursing Homes, Schools, Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health Systems, and home-based Remote Patient Monitoring. Her organization, BRTA received 2018 HRSA Award as Rural Health Community Champion for implementation of Evidence Based Practices. She works with Academic Medical Centers, regional and rural health systems and medical groups, community based organizations to create consortiums to create the infrastructure and evaluate the effectiveness of Telehealth systems in rural regions of Eastern Virginia.

Ms. Hale has an MHA from Virginia Commonwealth University, is a Certified Telehealth Coordinator and has a Certificate in Urban Policy and Planning from American University. An experienced nonprofit manager and consultant, she has experience in facilitating the development of community partnerships, foundation grant programs, training, communications, organizational needs assessments, evaluation and leadership transition services. She has served as Executive Director and consultant; supervised staffs and volunteer corps up to over 300. Her combined nonprofit, networking, and development experience make her well qualified to lead health networks, and to facilitate projects with diverse partners. She is also a dedicated meditation trainer, recovery coach and dog-mom, as well as proud mom of a grown son, and lives with her husband in Williamsburg, Virginia.